Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thursday Walk

The sun has returned to western Oregon after what seems to have been a month-long absence.

I took the dog on a walk to the field south of us and we took in some views we had not seen in a while.

Last month's snow has melted down here but it still visible in the clearcuts of the the Coast Range to the west.

A large flock of cackling geese was grazing the field and an adult California gull had joined the group.

A few mallards and northern shovelers swam in the pond, but the usual buffleheads were absent.

Two large black cottonwoods stand guard over the southeast corner of the field.

These and a few other big trees, such as the broccoli-shaped white oak were lucky to survive the surrounding developments and I always look forward to seeing them on my walks.

This doug-fir is the largest tree in the neighborhood. It's bark is covered with lichens, moss, and old English Ivy vines that were girdled to save the tree.

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